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Charadrius Plovers

Common Ringed Plover
(ලොකු මල ඔලෙවියා)
Charadrius hiaticula

Based on the olive-yellowish bill base, and the prominent whitish supercilium and yellowish legs, I believe this is a juvenile or non-breeding Common Ringed Plover.


Seen and photographed at the Bundala National Park.

Common Ringed Plover
Little Ringed Plover
(පුන්චි මල ඔලෙවියා)
Charadrius dubius

This little beauty was first photographed sifting mud around on the bank of a lake next to Cinnamon Wild hotel in Yala. I was able to get very close to the lake on foot and take

photos. It's in breeding plumage with a beautiful golden ring around its eye.

I came across more of them in Mannar and Chundikulam (photos 5 to 9) on a later trip. Images 10 and 11 are from Kerawalapitiya.

Little Ringed Plover
Kentish Plover
(කෙන්ති ඔලෙවියා)
Charadrius alexandrinus

Based on the dark spurs on the breast and the dark grey legs, I think this is a Kentish Plover. Seen at 'Bundala' National Park. Image 6 I believe is of a juvenile.

Doubtful identification
Kentish Plover
Mongolian Plover / Lesser Sand Plover
(හීන් වැලි ඔලෙවියා)
Charadrius mongolus

From what I can deduce, I believe this is a juvenile Mongolian Plover. I base it on the smaller size, blunt-tipped shorter bill and the yellowish legs.


Seen and photographed in the Giants Tank sanctuary near Mannar.

Doubtful identification
Mongolian Plover
Greater Sand Plover / Large Sand Plover
(රජ වැලි ඔලෙවියා)
Charadrius leschenaultii

Based on the longer more pointed bill, I believe this is a Greater Sand Plover than a Mongolian Plover. Seen at 'Bundala' National Park on a sunny morning.

Doubtful identification
Greater Sand Plover
Caspian Plover
(කැස්පියා ඔලෙවියා)
Charadrius asiaticus

Yet to capture image

Caspian Plover
Oriental Plover
(පෙරදිගු ඔලෙවියා)
Charadrius veredus

Yet to capture image

Vagrant species
Oriental Plover

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