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Indian Courser
(ඉන්දු ජවලිහිනියා)
Cursorius coromandelicus

I made a special trip to Delft island in Jaffna peninsula to see these beauties. In an arid landscape rejuvenated by recent rains, I saw 5 birds in total. It made the long boat ride to the island worth it.


The photographs are of a pair of birds who were casually going about their business although they were wary of my presence. Delft is the only place that these guys have been spotted in recent times which makes these captures very special. 

Critically Endangered
Indian Courser
Collared Pratincole
(කරපටි ජවසේරියා)
Glareola pratincola

Photographed in Bundala National Park during the mid-day sun. A flock of them was seen at a particular location where they frequented from time-to-time. According to my guide, there were Oriental Pratincoles in this flock also. However, its very difficult to distinguish any based on the photographs.

Doubtful identification
Collared Pratincole
Oriental Pratincole / Large Pratincole
(පෙරදිගු ජවසේරියා)
Glareola maldivarum

Photographed in Bundala National Park late in the evening in low light. Based on the length of the tail I believe this is a juvenile Oriental Pratincole. There was a flock of both Oriental and Collared Pratincoles and distinguishing between the two species was difficult.

Doubtful identification
Oriental Pratincole
Small Pratincole
(පුන්චි ජවසේරියා)
Glareola lactea

These bad quality images are all I managed to capture of this species during a beautiful morning in Bundala National Park. I had difficulty in identifying it but after looking at the beak and wing pattern, I'm quite sure this is a Small Pratincole. I will come across more someday to take a better picture. 

Doubtful identification
Small Pratincole
Yellow-wattled Lapwing
(කහ-යටිමල් කිරලා)
Vanellus malabaricus

First seen at Yala National Park and photographed with my point-and-shoot, these odd-looking birds are fascinating.


I came across another pair later at 'Bundala' National Park on a dry and sunny morning. Image 7 is a bunch of them photographed at Chundikulam.


Such odd and funny looking birds. 

Yellow-wattled Lapwing
Sociable Lapwing
(රන්චු කිරලා)
Vanellus gregarius

Yet to capture image

Vagrant species
Sociable Lapwing
Red-wattled Lapwing
(රත්-යටිමල් කිරලා)
Vanellus indicus

First two images from Lighthouse hotel, Galle where this beauty was guarding her nesting site near the sea.


Image  3 is from MillenniumIT grounds where this expecting parent was guarding its precious eggs fiercely. It tried to chase me off but after a while settled down when she realized I meant no harm.


Image 4 is of a juvenile lapwing photographed at the Giants Tank area in Mannar. I got excited thinking its a different type to see its just a juvenile.

Red-wattled Lapwing
Pacific Golden Plover / Asiatic Golden Plover
(සෙත්කර රන් මහ-ඔලෙවියා)
Pluvialis fulva

First seen at Bundala National Park I believe I have made the correct identification of the species. What a beautiful pattern he has on his back.

2nd set of photos from Mannar. Based on beak and patterns on the breast, I believe both are non-breeding Pacific Golden Plover's.

Image 6 to 8 is of a flock of them seen at a wetland area on the outskirts of Matara.

Pacific Golden Plover
Grey Plover
(අලු මහ-ඔලෙවියා)
Pluvialis squatarola

1st captured at the Talai Mannar beach in the small lagoon just behind the beach. Based on the size, beak and markings, I believe this is a Grey Plover. (images 1 and 2)


Next images (3 and 4) are again from Mannar. This time I'm pretty convinced this is a Grey Plover.

Grey Plover
Grey-headed Lapwing
(හිස-අලු කිරලා)
Vanellus cinereus

Yet to capture image

Vagrant species
Grey-headed Lapwing

© 2019-20 Nirmal Kumarasiri

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