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Spot-bellied Eagle Owl / Forest Eagle-Owl
(උකුසු බකමූනා / උලමා)
Ketupa nipalensis

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Spot-bellied Eagle Owl
Brown Fish Owl
(බොර කෙවුල් බකමූනා)
Bubo zeylonensis

First seen at 'Debarawewa', these two amazing specimens were resting at the top of a tall tree. According to my guide Mahesh, they have a baby also which must have been hiding in the same tree but we were unable to see it.

Images 5 to 11 are from Wilpattu National Park. What an amazing experience to look into their eyes and take a few pictures of them.

Brown Fish Owl
Brown Wood Owl
(බොර වන බකමූනා)
Strix leptogrammica

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Brown Wood Owl
Sri Lanka Bay Owl / Ceylon Bay Owl
(පෙරදිගු ගුරුබස්සා)
Phodilus assimilis

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Sri Lanka Bay Owl
Barn Owl
(අටු වෙස්බස්සා)
Tyto alba

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Barn Owl
Short-eared Owl
(කෙටි-කන් බකමූනා)
Asio flammeus

Yet to capture image

Short-eared Owl
Sri Lanka Grey Hornbill / Ceylon Grey Hornbill (ශ්‍රි ලංකා අලු කෑදැත්තා)
Ocyceros gingalensis

This endemic beauty is quite common in the rainforests such as Sinharaja. All the pictures are from Sinharaja and its outskirts taken during multiple trips.

Sri Lanka Grey Hornbill
Malabar Pied Hornbill
(පෝරු කෑදැත්තා)
Anthracoceros coronatus

A remarkable and beautiful bird species, these beauties are a treat to watch. First seen at Yala National Park.

Images 5 to 10 are from Wilpattu and Yala National Parks.

Malabar Pied Hornbill
House Crow
(කොලඹ කපුටා)
Corvus splendens

One of the hardiest and adaptable birds of nature, House Crows are a very common sight in Colombo. They provide much-needed garbage disposal means in our cities.

Up close, they are beautiful and very intelligent.

House Crow
Large-billed Crow / Jungle Crow
(කලු කපුටා)
Corvus macrorhynchos

Photographed in Mannar and in Chundikulam, Jaffna. Base on the size and bill, I believe these are Large-billed Crows.

Large-billed Crow

© 2019-20 Nirmal Kumarasiri

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