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Slaty-breasted Rail / Blue-breasted Banded Rail (ළය-අලු පැති-රෙලුවා)
Gallirallus striatus

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Slaty-breasted Rail
Water Rail / Eastern Water Rail
(දිය රෙලුවා)
Rallus indicus

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Vagrant species
Water Rail
Slaty-legged Crake / Banded Crake
(අලු-පා කෙරලියා)
Rallina eurizonoides

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Critically Endangered
Slaty-legged Crake
(ගඩ කෙරලියා)
Crex crex

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Vagrant species
Baillon's Crake
(බෙයිලොන් විල් කෙරලියා)
Porzana pusilla

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Baillon's Crake
Ruddy-breasted Crake / Ruddy Crake
(ළය-රතු විල් කෙරලියා)
Porzana fusca

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Ruddy-breasted Crake
White-breasted Waterhen
(ළය-සුදු කොරවක්කා)
Amaurornis phoenicurus

I see these guys very often as they wander around the hotel I worked. The first photo was taken near the paddy field next to MillenniumIT. The other one was seen at Wet Water Resort, Gampaha.

Very common around lakes and swamps in Sri Lanka.

White-breasted Waterhen
Gallicrex cinerea

Increasingly rare, this amazing bird was first photographed in Bundala National Park. There were 3 of them but by the time I figured out how to get to them, all but one had disappeared into the bushes. Even this one was far away to properly photograph. The structure of the legs looks extraordinary.

Images 3 and 4 are from Thalangama wetlands.

Common Moorhen
(පොදු ගැල්ලිනුවා)
Gallinula chloropus

For some odd reason, this one has been a difficult bird to take a clear picture of. I have been trying to take a decent image for days in 'Gampaha' and at Debara Wewa but he has been elusive as he runs away and hides for the slightest movement.

Finally got lucky at Bundala National Park. What a beauty. Then more at Thalngama lake area.

Common Moorhen
Purple Swamphen / Purple Coot
(පොඩි දම්-කිතලා)
Porphyrio poliocephalus

I was on my way out of Bundala National Park, a bit frustrated with not being able to see many birds as it was a dull day when saw these guys hanging out close to the main road. In my haste to take close-ups, I got out of the vehicle too soon which chased them away. Such beautiful colours on a beautiful bird.

Images 4 to 10 are all from Kotte, Diyawanna Oya area. They have got used to humans now and stays close although usually, they are very shy.

Purple Swamphen
Common Coot
(පොදු කලු-කිතලා)
Fulica atra

Yet to capture image

Common Coot
Pheasant-tailed Jacana
(සවුල්-පෙඳ දියසානා)
Hydrophasianus chirurgus

On a dull day at Bundala, these guys made the trip worth it as they put on a show for me. Beautiful colours and design for a water bird.

They are quite common in Thalangama lake. Images 4 to 6 from the Thalangama lake.

Pheasant-tailed Jacana

© 2019-20 Nirmal Kumarasiri

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