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Redshanks, Greenshanks and Marsh Sandpiper

Common Redshank
(පොදු රත්පා සිලිබිල්ලා)
Tringa totanus

The first and second images of a juvenile Common Redshank was spotted at 'Bundala' National Park.


Third, fourth and fifth again from 'Bundala' but during different trips.

Image 6 from the outskirts of Matara.

Common Redshank
Spotted Redshank
(තිත් රත්පා සිලිබිල්ලා)
Tringa erythropus

Yet to capture image

Spotted Redshank
Marsh Sandpiper
(වගුරු සිලිබිල්ලා)
Tringa stagnatilis

Seen at the salt flats in 'Bundala', this Sandpiper was among many other water birds who were sifting through the mud looking for food. It is the bigger bird among others in these images.

Came across one again in Bundala on a different day in Bundala. Image 4 and 5 are from the second sighting.

Marsh Sandpiper
Common Greenshank
(පොදු පලල්පා සිලිබිල්ලා)
Tringa nebularia

Seen at Giants Tank area in Mannar, based on the shape of the beak I believe this is a Common Greenshank.

Common Greenshank

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